October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Says the little monkey!

I meant to do a little tutorial of how I made this, but didn't remember until way past the point of no return! The base of the costume is a brown hoodie sweatshirt, and brown yoga pants. I just made up the pattern for the vest, ears, belly, tail and hat myself. It's all felt, which is great to work with because you don't have to worry about sewing a hem.

P.S.- If anyone is interested in a tutorial, drop me a note, and I'll put something together for you to use for next year!


  1. OH. MY. GAWD. That's the best costume ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goooood job!!!!! She's going to make Q and V look like hobos. :)

  2. This would be so perfect for my youngest--her self dubbed nickname is Monkey! And it is so easy to do too! I think I just might have to convince her to be a monkey next year!

  3. Amy that costume is genius!! She is just too freakin cute!! OMG!!!


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